Wednesday, 12 February 2014

New Friends, new homes.

This week has been so crazy! In a completely good way. We've done everything from starting Spanish lessons, and seeing a cool shipwreck and off roading in the van to postponing class and going to explore the mountains on a super sunny and warm day! But the one thing that really hit my heart this week was this girl named Bianna. On Sundays in Las Avez (the village directly behind where I live) is the day where people have to go to the Land Office to pay their monthly dues on their land. It was a very busy day, Santi and Andrew were talking to Gina, the women who runs it about families in the community that are in the interview process for getting new homes. As it was super busy it was taking quite a while so we had time to play with the kids in the yard. Beth and I befriended Bianna. She just turned nine and had the cutest giggle ever. All the other academy girls were playing with kids and Beth and I were sitting on some rocks when this girl peeked her head around the corner of a post and kept smiling. As we speak very minimal Spanish our conversation wasn't in-depth but that was not needed. She just liked spending time with us, as we did with her. We played some games and she helped us chase little kids around. When it was time to say goodbye I did not want to leave her, but I knew she must live in the area, and I'm here for four months I'm bound to see her again, so we said hasta luego, and went about our day. In the afternoon we were going to approve two families in Las Avez for new homes and as we arrived at the first house, my heart has never felt that happy in a long time... standing in the doorway to her little house, was Bianna and her parents. Beth and I just looked at each other and were instantly filled with happiness. Our little girl was getting a new home. Of all the girls we could've played with that day, it was this little girl. We had no idea where she lived or that she was even in consideration for a new home. It was so exciting, most families in Mexico when they get approved do not show much emotion, it's the culture and circumstances, but this family was SO happy. Bianna's parents let her pick the colours for the new house as it was her dream and wish to have a home. I am so excited to see this family be blessed with a new house in March that they will make their own. We may help build houses, but they show us what it's like to have a home.

Until next time, lots of love to Canada! Chelsea

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