Wednesday, 26 February 2014

It's saves the day. It always does.

My last week of being a teenager was an eventful one. I lost/or my phone got stolen, I was in a video that got over 1,000,000 hits in three days, and had many many moments of remembering that I am exactly where I'm suppose to be. 

Yes my phone may be gone, but hey, at least I can afford one and have loved ones to talk too. This isn't always a reality for some. I've been spending my Monday mornings volunteering at an old folks home where many of the men and women who live there have no contact with their family, for many different reasons. Monday mornings may be some peoples least favourite day but they've turned into something I look forward to. I cannot get over how happy they are to see our faces. They brighten my mood just being in their presence. Especially if I'm having a day where I'm lacking confidence they are very fast to tell me how beautiful and blessed I am. It sounds so much nicer hearing it in spanish too. Which is something i've been working on. Learning more spanish so I can communicate with these people who I care a lot about. 

Yes I was in the silly whale video. But the only reason this was even a possibility is because of the organization I'm so honoured to be apart of. At the risk of sounding like a cliche, Live Different has really changed my life. I've found self confidence, compassion, and love and drive for something so much bigger than all of us. I wish more people were more interested as to why I'm here not how did it feel when a whale hit me. This organization deserves so much recognition. It changes peoples lives on a daily basis. All over our country and the world. Life is about people not stuff and I've been reminded of this a lot lately. I'm determined to be focused on why I'm here and how my life and others will be changed over the next couple months.  

When people can come together for a cause that's bigger than ourselves, to be selfless and to have a passion for compassion, this is when our world is and will be on the right path. I'm exactly where I'm suppose to be. I don't just mean wrapped up in a Mexican blanket drinking tea, watching the stars as people wish me a happy birthday. I'm exactly where I'm suppose to be because I want to be a part of something bigger than I am. This is not about me, it's about how next week I and many others start a month of building houses, bringing more love to some of the most loving people I've ever met, and just being together as humans. Enjoying each other's company and love and remembering, Love is what saves the day. Always. 

This is Nalleli. The star of my last blog. 

Wednesday, 19 February 2014

Nalleli: my bundle of love

 Nalleli is a name usually used in Latin America but still rarely used for girls, which means I Love You and jovial. Love and joy are the emotions I felt when I met Nalleli last week. She was a semi shy little girl with the biggest smile and giggle in the world. She was younger than the other kids she was hanging out with but still held her own. She kept looking at me during class when we were teaching English and I knew that the following week I would for sure seek her out and play with her more. 

Sure enough, this morning when we arrived the first person I recognized was Nalleli. I knew I loved her when she came bounding over to me in all purple and bright neon green tights on. We were bound to be friends. She may be seven but she's easily the size of a 4 year old. Thus, when she jumped into my arms I just wanted to hold on and love her with all I had. After some piggy back rides around the schoolyard we found a table with dirt on it and we both wrote our names down. She made me write mine down so she could practice writing my name down. "Chelsi" as I am known here. 

After awhile her and I were playing tag and she was hiding in the classroom and unbeknownst to me the other girls were helping her hide, I finally found her when I heard her crying. I think she hit her head on the desk she was hiding under. I instantly felt so bad. It was an innocent accident and I knew she'd be fine in a matter of minutes, but for some reason I felt extremely bad. I just went up to her and she sat in my lap and she just cried and let me love her. She really is one of the most precious people I have met. 

In total I've probably spent about only two hours at her school but when I think of her I'm so happy. She opened up to me despite the difficult language barrier and we managed to communicate on what spanish I do know, she showed me where her house was over the hill from the school and was just generally interested in being with me instead of the other kids. I wasn't teaching in her classroom today and she was very reluctant to let me go teach. After classes were over and we were heading back to the van we caught each others eyes, and we had a movie moment. I got down on my knees, put my arms out and she ran as fast as her seven year old legs could run into my arms. 

Even if she doesn't remember my name next week, that's okay. I know she'll know my face. Love doesn't need names and titles. Just the content feeling in my stomach knowing I love something and it loves me back. This little girl showed me love and joy in the simplist of ways. I cannot wait for each Wednesday to spend some time with my little bundle of love. 

Xo, Chelsi 

Wednesday, 12 February 2014

New Friends, new homes.

This week has been so crazy! In a completely good way. We've done everything from starting Spanish lessons, and seeing a cool shipwreck and off roading in the van to postponing class and going to explore the mountains on a super sunny and warm day! But the one thing that really hit my heart this week was this girl named Bianna. On Sundays in Las Avez (the village directly behind where I live) is the day where people have to go to the Land Office to pay their monthly dues on their land. It was a very busy day, Santi and Andrew were talking to Gina, the women who runs it about families in the community that are in the interview process for getting new homes. As it was super busy it was taking quite a while so we had time to play with the kids in the yard. Beth and I befriended Bianna. She just turned nine and had the cutest giggle ever. All the other academy girls were playing with kids and Beth and I were sitting on some rocks when this girl peeked her head around the corner of a post and kept smiling. As we speak very minimal Spanish our conversation wasn't in-depth but that was not needed. She just liked spending time with us, as we did with her. We played some games and she helped us chase little kids around. When it was time to say goodbye I did not want to leave her, but I knew she must live in the area, and I'm here for four months I'm bound to see her again, so we said hasta luego, and went about our day. In the afternoon we were going to approve two families in Las Avez for new homes and as we arrived at the first house, my heart has never felt that happy in a long time... standing in the doorway to her little house, was Bianna and her parents. Beth and I just looked at each other and were instantly filled with happiness. Our little girl was getting a new home. Of all the girls we could've played with that day, it was this little girl. We had no idea where she lived or that she was even in consideration for a new home. It was so exciting, most families in Mexico when they get approved do not show much emotion, it's the culture and circumstances, but this family was SO happy. Bianna's parents let her pick the colours for the new house as it was her dream and wish to have a home. I am so excited to see this family be blessed with a new house in March that they will make their own. We may help build houses, but they show us what it's like to have a home.

Until next time, lots of love to Canada! Chelsea

Sunday, 2 February 2014

Baja Beginnings

First full day in the Baja and it was simply perfect. After delivering some presents to previous families Live Different has built for I had a highlight I’ve been waiting to have for a year and a half. I got to visit a family I built for in the summer of 2012. I was nervous to visit as I was worried they would not remember me, but then everyone reminded me it’s not everyday a short, pasty ginger helps build a house for someone. They were right. As everyone was shaking hands and saying their hellos I was last to see the mom and her eyes completely lit up and I was so happy. She hugged me and was very excited to see me. The son is now just over 3. He was a year and a half when I helped build his house. He was quite sick with respiratory issues when we built their house because of all the dirt. It was such a relieve to see him happy and healthy. The moms dad was there as well and was very proud of his family and to meet me. It was the best feeling ever to be able to tell them I will be in the community for four months and I can come visit whenever I can. It’s a very unique feeling being a part of something so much bigger than anything I’ve ever done. I simply love this community, the people and the feeling I have being here. I woke up this morning before everyone because I was so excited to just be here, in Mexico, the place I call my second home. Who needs sleep when you’re in a place so full of love? Until next time, cheers.